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9:30 - 10:15 am

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10:30 - 11:45 am

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People Who Know

Daniel 11:32 ESV

“but the people who know their God shall stand firm and take action.”

The differentiating mark between those that fall to the times and those that don’t is knowledge of God. Daniel is prophesying about the desecration of the temple and the “abomination that makes desolate”. He speaks of the king coming who will “seduce with flattery” winning them over to his side. And so they would fall to the wooing of the wicked king, except for some. Those who “KNOW their God” are not fooled but remain and go on the offensive.

My daily reading brought me into contact with this verse and I was stopped by it. I am not the most up to date on social networks. Yet, even I look and it seems as if another day another Christian celebrity or conservative politician has decided to make peace with the gay revolution. In a devastating turn of events one of the most bipartisan bills is one that is set to destroy marriage and remake our society, called the Respect for Marriage Act, as it removes the Defense of Marriage Act. If it wasn’t so heart breaking and destructive the irony would be humorous.

Watching the deterioration come upon something is agonizing. You start to see the small cracks and fissures. The dirt and grime take its tole and no one seems to be taking needed steps. What is the reason for this break down in society, for the unraveling of moral sanity? Daniel speaks to the specific moment what I believe is applicable to all moments when those who we thought were with us turn tale, knowledge of God. When you know God you resist the false hoods and flattery. You see life, and yourself, as they are. Rightly knowing God helps us see our own depravity and seeing that we hold tighter to God, such that we stand firm.

I loved that part. Stand firm, it is easy for hard headed persons like myself. No change is required just stand where you have always stood and let come what may. This is where the scripture gets teeth, it doesn’t stop at stand firm. Those that KNOW God are not merely hard headed fuddy duddies, they are men who take action. Joining with the men of Issachar in understanding the times and knowing what ought to be done (1 Chronicles 12:32). This kick in the pants is not towards a reckless cavalry charge at the machine guns of WWI but rather wise and deliberate action of God’s people to counter the onslaught.

Men and women who read, study, and meditate on God’s word are those equipped to fight this fight. They are the ones who stand firm as the enemy charges and the ones who know when to mount their own charge in return. Scripture is equally clear that such men do not stand alone, but are in community with others of like character and passion. The enemy does not fear one lone fool charging its position. Yet, the gates of hell will not prevail against the church, the assembly of believers, it is in mass that the most damage to the enemy position is done. Let us gather in mass around God’s word and work to show our selves approved, workman with no need to be ashamed.

Coram Deo

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