Sunday School
9:30 - 10:15 am

Worship Service
10:30 - 11:45 am

Church Address

319 S. 4th

Lincoln, KS 67455


Phone: (785)422-6464

AWANA- at the Christian Community Center
6:30 - 7:30 pm




Article I – Location of Meetings


The location of church services and business meetings of the Lincoln Community Church of Lincoln, Kansas shall be at the church building at the corner of 4th and South Street or at such other places as the official church council determines.


Article II – Membership


Section I - Qualifications


Membership in the Lincoln Community Church shall be a prerequisite to membership in the corporation. All members in good standing, 16 years of age and older, are qualified to participate in the corporate affairs and to vote in business meetings of the church. Only members 21 years of age and older are qualified to be officers in the church.


The church receives members upon their confession of faith and baptism (previous baptismrecognized), by letter from another evangelical church of like-minded faith and practice, orby reaffirmation of faith.


Those applying for membership must be in agreement with the Church Constitution,give an orally acceptable confession of their faith to the pastor and/or church council and sign a covenant of membership. Upon recommendation of the church council, during any regular worship service, the congregation will vote to receive the applicant into membership. Those coming will be asked to give either a word of personal testimony or to respond to questions by the pastor. Those coming by letter are to do the same.


Section II – Pastor Membership


Members of the pastoral staff and their spouses automatically become members with full voting privileges upon acceptance of a call from the church.


Section III – Discipline of Members


Any member or other individual who has become involved to the extent that the Lincoln Community Church is their primary church for fellowship, worship, or ministry is subject to church discipline when they persist in living or teaching contrary to the Word of God and Confession of Faith.

If any believer becomes aware that another professing believer in our fellowship is living or teaching contrary to the Word of God or Confession of Faith, the first believer hasthe duty to lovingly reprove the other in private. If the person continues in sin, the church council shall be advised and the reproving believer shall again go to the sinning believer accompanied by one (1) or two (2) witnesses, one of whom should be a church councilmember.

Together they should confirm the facts and, if necessary, lovingly reprove and further restore the erring person spiritually. If the person still continues in sin, the church council, after giving the person the opportunity to appear before them shall take appropriate action. Such action may include informing the church of the situation and removing the person from membership and/or fellowship. Once the discipline process has been initiated, it willcontinue to completion notwithstanding changes in membership. (Matt. 18:15-20; I Cor. 5:11-13; Gal. 6:1; Titus 3:10-11)

B. If the individual in question or any other member of the church objects to the removal by the church council, the matter shall be brought before the church at an annual or special meeting. A two-thirds (2/3) majority of votes cast by the members present shall be required to overrule any decision made by the church council.


Section III – Withdrawal of Membership


Any member who desires to withdraw from the church membership shall so advise the pastor or church council member. The member’s request shall be considered and acted upon by the church council. Upon request, the pastor shall give a letter or recommendation to affiliate with another church to any member(s) withdrawing in good standing. (Rom. 16:1-2)


Section IV – Property Rights


Any member who has withdrawn or has been excluded loses the right to personal and realproperty of the church.



Section V – Inactive Members


Any member who for any reason absents himself from church services and does not communicate with the church for a period of one (1) year shall no longer be considered a member unless special arrangements are made.


Section VI – Attendance and Stewardship


All members should consider it a duty and a privilege to attend church services and meetings as regularly as possible and use their spiritual and material gifts for the furtheranceof God’s work through this church. (Heb.10:25; Luke 4:16; I Cor. 12:13-14; Matt. 25:14-30; II Cor. 9:6-7; Mark 12:41-44; I Cor. 16:2; Acts 20:35)


Article III – Church Governing Bodies


Section 1 – Church Business Meetings


The government of Lincoln Community Church shall be of the congregational type with authority vested in its members. A majority vote of those present at a properly called meeting shall be final in all church and corporate matters, except as otherwise provided in the Constitution and these By-Laws. Major decisions shall be determined by the church at its annual or special business meetings. A meeting may be held if 10% of eligible voters are present but not less than ten (10) eligible voters.


Section II – Church Council


The church council shall be responsible for the propert, and financial affairs of the church. It shall consist of four members. Three (3) members shall be elected by a majority ballot at the annual business meeting with the pastor serving as the ex-officio 4th member with voting privileges. The election shall be held in such a manner that one council member is elected each year for a term of three years.


Members may serve only two (2) consecutive terms and shall assume their duties theSunday following their election.


The newly elected church council will organize itself with a chairman, vice-chairman and clerk at their first business meeting following the annual meeting. The chairman shall act asthe president of the corporation and the clerk shall be the secretary of the corporation.


Section III – Qualifications


Every person nominated to be an officer of the church must be spiritually born again, partake in the ordinances of the church, and be in agreement with the Confession of Faith. Each person should have good Christian character, live prayerfully and by faith, free from carnal indulgences, separate from the world (II Cor.6:14-17), and consistently attend regular services. No one may be nominated to a church office who is under age 21 or who has not held membership in the church for at least one year.


Accusations against an officer of the church shall be dealt with only upon the written request of at least three (3) active members. The church may remove the person accused from office if it finds him or her unworthy of confidence. This may be done by the church council or by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote at an annual or special meeting.


Article IV – The Pastor


. The pastor shall meet the qualifications for his calling as outlined in the Scriptures. (I Tim. 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9). The pastor should be a person of established Christian character, sound in faith and doctrine, and qualified to teach and preach the whole counsel of the Word of God. The pastor shall be a worthy example in their life and teaching and shall abide by the Confession of Faith in the Constitution.


B. If the pastor has been previously ordained, such ordination shall be recognized provided that his faith and doctrine are in agreement and consistent with the Constitution of the church and Confession of Faith. When a pastor is called who has not been ordained, the council shall move to ordain him within three (3) months of his commencement of ministry with the church.


C. The pastor, as the under-shepherd, responsible to Jesus Christ, shall teach and preach the Word of God, administer the ordinances of the baptism and communion, lead the church, and advance the spiritual life and interests of the congregation. The pastor shall visit and minister individually to church members, especially the sick and destitute, as time permits. By virtue of his position, the pastor shall be a voting ex-officio member of all boards and committees of the church. Any other pastoral staff or office personnel are directly responsible to the pastor.


D The Pastor shall give a report of the work of the church at each annual business meeting.


E. The election or calling of a pastor may take place at the annual or any special meeting called for that purpose. The meeting shall be properly announced two (2) weeks prior to the election. Voting shall be done by closed ballot. The pastor shall be called for an indefinite period of time and must receive a two-thirds (2/3) majority of all votes cast. Both the pastor and the church shall have the privilege of terminating such services on three (3) months notice but may change this provision by mutual agreement.


F. Accusations made against a pastor shall not be considered unless supported by two (2) or three (3) witnesses. (I Tim. 5:19-20) Should it be proved that he has erred in doctrine or conduct, he shall be charitably admonished by the church council. If this does not bring the desired results, the matter shall be laid down before the church and, should he be found unworthy of his calling, he shall be dismissed immediately.


G. The pastor shall only perform marriages in accordance with the Church Constitution and By-Laws and with the consent of the Church Council. 

Article V – Church Council

A. The church council shall meet monthly, direct the financial affairs of the church, and supervise all church property.Council members should be diligent in prayer, personal study, and application of the Word of God; they shall also watch and guard the doctrine and testimony of the church. Each should be committed to the Confession of Faith and Mission Statement of the church. As a leader in the church, each council member should act and lead as an example to the church. (Phil 3:17).

B. The council shall have custody of the deeds and other valuable papers of the church. Legal title to real and personal property of the church and corporation shall be held and conveyed in its corporate name. Deeds and conveyances of real and personal property shall be signed by the required corporate officers and by two other members of the council. The council shall have no power to buy, sell, mortgage, lease, or transfer any real property without the consent of a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the church at annual or special business meetings. Business dealings and purchases over $2000 should have majority approval at an annual or special business meeting.

C. The council shall have the power to call a special business meeting of the church according to Article VIII of these By-Laws.

D. The chairman of the board shall preside at all annual, special, and official board meetings. The chairman shall be actively interested in the spiritual welfare of the church and its members and carry out the directions of the church council.

E. The clerk shall keep an accurate record of all proceedings in all annual, special, and official board meetings. The clerk will also keep accurate records of all events such as weddings, funerals, baptisms, dedications, and special speakers. The clerk will also maintain the record of church membership and eligibility for elections. The clerk shall turn over all official records, in good order, to his successor.

F. The church council has the duty to appoint the Church Treasurer, Sunday School Superintendent and other positions as deemed necessary by the church council or as directed at the annual or a special business meeting. These terms are one-year terms and those filling these positions should adhere and be committed to the Constitution and By-Laws of the church. They should also be diligent in prayer, personal study, and application of the Word of God.

Article VI – Church Treasurer

The church treasurer will be appointed for a one year term by the church council. The treasurer shall keep an accurate ledger of all income and expenditures. He shall maintain the records of the bank account(s) of the church, make disbursements and pay all the bills by check as authorized by the council. The treasurer shall prepare a written report for the annual business meeting and any monthly or quarterly audits as required by the council. If required by the church, the treasurer shall submit the records for yearly, independent audit. The treasurer shall turn over all records, in good order, to his successor.

Article VII – Sunday School Superintendent

The Sunday School superintendent shall be appointed by the church council for a one-year term. Duties shall consist of appointing a Sunday School teaching staff and Sunday School Superintendent assistant if needed. Duties will also include approving a Christ-centered curriculum, presiding at staff meetings, and administering the overall program. The superintendent will be required to submit a report at the annual meeting upon request.

Article VIII – Services and Meetings

A. The church shall hold its annual business meeting each year during the month of October as designated by the church council. At this meeting, church officers as designated will be elected and business concerning the work and spiritual life of the church shall be transacted. Congregational decisions shall be by a majority vote of the members present, except where otherwise specified by these By-Laws or as deemed necessary by the church council.

B. Special business meetings may be called by the chairman of the church council at the request of a majority of the council members or by a written request by a least 10 members in good standing. In all cases, notice and purpose of such meetings must be announced from the pulpit two (2) Sundays in advance.

C. The use of any facility owned or operated by the church either by a church member(s) or non-member(s) should not conflict with acceptable standards held by the church or Biblical positions held by the church or anything in conflict with its Constitution and By-Laws. 


Article IX – Election Procedures

A. Nominations may be made by a nominating committee with nominations from the floor. Those placing names in nomination should make sure prior to the election the person meets church requirements and would agree to serve if elected.

B. Election should be by closed ballot unless a majority agrees otherwise.

C. A majority of all votes cast shall decide all elections unless otherwise stated in By-Laws.

D. Newly elected officers shall assume their duties at the close of the annual meeting or the next Sunday as directed.

E. Any parliamentary procedure not set forth in these By-Laws shall be according to Robert’s Rules of Order.

Article X – Finances

The church shall be supported by free-will offerings and designated gifts. The church fiscal year shall be from October 1st to September 30th. The church council shall prepare a proposed budget for consideration at the annual business meeting. Upon adoption of the final annual budget by a majority of the votes cast at the annual business meeting, the church council shall authorize all expenditures according to the desires of the church.


Designated gifts and gifts in kind are welcome at Lincoln Community Church. Special gifts may be designated for approved building projects, capital improvements, benevolence needs, missions and ministries within our church. All specially designated gifts come under the authority of the Church Council or any appropriate committee as approved by the Council or by vote of the congregation. We ask that designated giving be over and above regular giving so as not to hurt our general giving that takes care of our staff, missionaries, and ministries. Please keep in mind, LCC holds the final decision on how any donated funds are eventually used, but will attempt to honor specifically designated gifts whenever possible. All gifts, designated or non-designated, will be for church use. 

Article XI – Amendments

These By-Laws may be amended at an annual or any special church meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of votes cast. Any proposed amendment must first be presented in writing and discussed at a special meeting held at least one (1) month prior to the meeting in which the amendment will be put to a vote.

Article XII - Elders

A. The elders shall meet the qualifications of their calling as outlined in the Scriptures. (1 Tim. 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9) The elders are a to be a group of men, led by the pastor, of established Christian character, sound in faith and doctrine, and qualified to teach the whole counsel of the Word of God. The elders shall be worhty examples in their lives and teaching and shall abide by the Confession of Faith in the Constitution.

B. The elders shall strive to meet monthly to watch over and shepherd teh spiritual life of the church and render spiritual assistance in accordance with scripture to the membership. In accordance with Ezekiel 34:2-4.

a. Studying and Teaching

b. Strengthening the weak

c. Healing the sick

d. Bringing by the strayed

e. Seeking the Lost

C. To accomplish this, they shall be diligent to pray for, meet with, and teach teh membership individually and corporately. (Acts 6:4 1 Timothy 4:13, Titus 1:9)

D. The size of this body will be dictated by the number of men meeting the biblical standard for eldership and the group's ability to fulfill the calling based on the size of the church and the elder's availability. 

E. Accustations against an elder of the church shall be dealt with only upon the written request of at least two active members in accordance with 1 Timothy 5:19. The church may remove the person accused from office if it finds him or her unworthy of confidence. This may be done by the church council or by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote at an annual or special church meeting.

F. Appointment of eldership will be conducted in this way. The eldership will ask for nomnations for elders from the congregation as the need arises and will then determine if the man under consideration meets the biblical criteria as listed above. If he does meet the criteria given in scripture, a ballot shall be taken for each nominee at a special or regular meeting. The vote will be yea or nay for each individual. A 2/3 vote of those present is necessary for installation as an Elder.

Article XII – Elders 

A.    The elders shall meet the qualifications of their calling as outlined in the Scriptures. (I Tim. 3:1-7Titus 1:5-9). The elders are to be a group of men, led by the pastor, of established Christian character, sound in faith and doctrine, and qualified to teach the whole counsel of the Word of God. The elders shall be worthy examples in their lives and teaching and shall abide by the Confession of Faith in the Constitution.

B.    The elders shall strive to meet monthly to watch over and shepherd the spiritual life of the church and render spiritual assistance in accordance with scripture to the membership. In accordance with Ezekiel 34:2-4.

a.     Studying and Teaching

b.     Strengthening the weak

c.     Healing the sick

d.     Bringing back the strayed

e.     Seeking the Lost

C.    To accomplish this, they shall be diligent to pray for, meet with, and teach the membership individually and corporately. (Acts 6:4, 1 Timothy 4:13, Titus 1:9)

D.   The size of this body will be dictated by the number of men meeting the biblical standard for eldership and the group’s ability to fulfill the calling based on the size of the church and the elder’s availability.

E.    Accusations against an elder of the church shall be dealt with only upon the written request of at least two active members in accordance with 1 Timothy 5:19. The church may remove the person accused from office if it finds him or her unworthy of confidence. This may be done by the church council or by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote at an annual or special meeting.

F.    Appointment of eldership will be conducted in this way. The eldership will ask for nominations for elders from the congregation as the need arises and will then determine if the man under consideration meets the biblical criteria as listed above. If he does meet the criteria given in scripture, a ballot shall be taken for each nominee at a special or regular meeting. The vote will be yea or nay for each individual. A 2/3 vote of those present is necessary for installation as an Elder.