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9:30 - 10:15 am

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10:30 - 11:45 am

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Exodus 15:1 ESV              

“Then Moses and the people of Israel sang this song to the LORD…”

Exodus 15:20 ESV        

“Then Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a tambourine in her hand, and all the women went out after her with tambourines and dancing.”

When is celebration called for? Looking at Exodus 15, Israel had just watched as God defeated the Egyptians. They had walked through the sea between walls of water like heaps on either side, and after experiencing this miraculous salvation they celebrate. God had delivered them as only he could do. So, they composed songs and danced before him. This was a time to celebrate, they were on the way to the promised land and God was with them.

After suffering tremendous losses of life, a group of widowers and orphans celebrated the bounty of the harvest. They knew how hard winter was and had worked hard through the summer such that they had been blessed with bounty and chose to celebrate. When we are overwhelmed by earthly blessing it is right and good to thank God for how he has worked through providence in our provision. Knowing that sometimes our best efforts do not yield such blessings. In trying and hard times even the most diligent and faithful can be reduced, and so we praise God for blessing our efforts and work with fruit. This seems natural and right.

Studying Hebrews has brought the unnatural nature of true Christian fellowship under consideration. Paul wants us to be encouraged by the discipline of God. Knowing that when we are disciplined it is because we are partakers in the household of God and treated such that our resemblance comes to the fore (Hebrews 12:3-11).  Christians that rejoice and give thanks that they have been “counted worthy to suffer” is wholly unnatural. When we “loose” and suffer harm, lose, and rejection we are commanded to suffer as those that God wishes to discipline, looking to Jesus who was disciplined, not because he had done wrong but because he was God’s son (Hebrews 12:3). What a shame to my heart that I am downcast when “life” doesn’t turn out the way I want? When those I love and long for seek other pastures, investments that I had hoped to be blessings to my family don’t yield as I wished, when hearts I had planted and watered leave before I can see what fruit may come.

It is easy to grow discouraged and let your heart be downcast. It is very natural and normal for such a turn of events, yet it is unchristian. It is right and normal for the dead to remain dead. For rot and decay to ravage the dead and unused. Christianity is an unnatural thing. It is miraculous for the dead in Christ to be revived and live for him. It is miraculous for the rot and decay that comes from years of complacency to reverse and become vibrant once again. These are not natural things that is why to hope in them is to hope in Christ. His work in the lives of neighbors and groups of neighbors (i.e. communities). To worship when you have been beaten and thrown in prison (Acts 16:25) is unnatural, and it is Christian.

This last Sunday our family listed the things we were thankful for this last year and some of the things we hoped for this next year. It was a very natural thing, as I reflect and meditate on the implications of God’s discipline on me over the next few days, I pray by Thursday I will be able to rejoice in the hardships of this last year with the same joy and pleasure as I do the earthly blessings. Just as I rejoice in the man that my father’s discipline has helped me to be, I long to rejoice in the struggles behind and ahead knowing the Christian God is creating to be very unnatural, so much so he should be viewed as supernatural.

Join me these next few days and find a trial that God is disciplining you through. Rejoice in it this year, after all Superman had to be trained to fly.

Coram deo

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